A 15 Item Checklist For Moving Into A New Apartment

Last updated
May 8, 2024

Shifting apartments always comes with some stress, but a bit of planning can make the move as smooth as possible and entirely prevent nasty surprises from biting you down the line.

mattress in new apartment infested with bed bugs to show importance of thoroughly cleaning new apartment when moving in
Ten million bed bugs send their regards.

To help, we’ve put together a time-based checklist for moving into a new apartment in Malaysia.

We’ve broken down the to-do list into six sections:

  • One month before moving in
  • Two weeks before moving in
  • One day before moving out
  • The moving process itself
  • The first day of moving in
  • The first week of moving in

Ignore at your peril!

Let’s begin.

One month before moving in

1. Inform current landlord of move

Notify your current landlord about your moving plans to ensure a smooth transition and comply with any notice requirements in your tenancy agreement

To fully protect yourself, notify them through several channels including email, instant message, and perhaps carrier pigeon.

2. Inform new apartment management of move

Contact the new apartment management to confirm the following move-in details: 

  1. Your moving deposit has been received
  2. When your deposit will be returned upon facility inspection
  3. Your planned moving date is locked in
  4. They have your information and will share it with their security team

Also, it sounds obvious, but confirm that the management has you registered as a tenant in your new unit. It’s not unheard of for tenants to rent for years while management thinks the unit is empty. 

3. Confirm no outstanding utility bills

Ask for current utility bills as proof that there are no outstanding utility bills to avoid electricity  and water disruptions at your new place.

Any outstanding balance is absolutely the landlord’s responsibility - that’s why all tenants pay a utility deposit.

4. Document damage in new apartment 

When you inspect the new unit, take photos of any damage to the property or facilities. These must align with the section of the tenancy agreement that documents the condition of the unit.

Any discrepancies should be brought to the landlord’s attention so they can fix it.

Two weeks before moving in

5. Find reputable movers and cleaners

Treat this like hiring for any position: give yourself time to find ideal candidates.

Be sure to confirm the range of services provided by the cleaning company. Imagine expecting a fully disinfected apartment, only for the cleaners to say they don’t do toilets.

Meanwhile, the moving company should provide a monetary guarantee for any damages caused by their movers.

6. Get the lay of the land

The spirit is willing, but the lower back is weak..

You’ll be directing the movers as they carry your furniture, so familiarise yourself with how to quickly move between at least three key points at the new apartment building:

  • The loading/unloading zone
  • The service elevator
  • Your new unit

One day before moving out

7. Document current apartment condition

Take photos or videos of the current condition of your current apartment before moving out, and send them to your landlord.

This protects you from being blamed for damage caused by viewing parties or future tenants.

During the move

8. Keep all important documents close

Keep essential documents such as IDs, tenancy agreements, and licenses in a safe and easily accessible place.

If you have a sufficiently large fanny pack, then time to rock it.

Seriously, get a fanny pack.

9. Don’t micromanage the movers

This is why you took the time to hire professional movers.

So you can let them do their job without having to breathe down their necks!

Besides, if they do break anything, the moving company will pay and you get to go shopping!

First day of moving in

10. Inspect and sign off new apartment inventory 

Upon arrival at your new apartment, verify the apartment's inventory list provided by the landlord or property agent / manager. 

If anything is missing or doesn’t meet the description in the list, inform the landlord or property manager.

11. Ensure appliances and utilities work

This is especially important if you’re renting a fully furnished apartment.

From the toaster to the water heater and the various light fixtures, leave no lever un-pulled, button unpressed, and switch un-flicked.

Test all appliances and utilities to ensure they are functioning properly.

12. Keep AC units running

While technically an appliance, air conditioners deserve extra attention due to the high potential costs associated with them.

Ensure your AC units are working by running them continuously for around 30 minutes during which time they should keep the space at your desired temperature with zero issues and weird noises.

13. Reclaim your moving deposit

Check in with the building management to confirm they have your bank details and will return your deposit as soon as the service lift inspection is complete.

First week of moving in

14. Update your mailing address

For most people, it means the following:

  • Banks
  • Credit card companies
  • Taxpayer details

You may have specific subscription services which they will want rerouted to their new apartment.

15. Disinfect the apartment in stages

Basically, it’s time to clean the entire apartment to ensure you and your family can live without the ten million bed bugs we mentioned earlier.

Instead of doing it all in one go, we recommend going at it in stages.

Start with the most important spaces like bedrooms and bathrooms. A deep cleaning for common areas like the living room and kitchen can wait a few days.

Alternatively, lock the cleaners in the unit and don’t let them out until everything sparkles.

Let’s recap our moving in checklist

One month before moving in:

  • Inform current landlord and new apartment management of move.
  • Confirm no outstanding utility bills for new apartment
  • Document damage in new apartment

Two weeks before moving in:

  • Find reputable movers and cleaners
  • Familiarise yourself with key areas in the new apartment building.

One day before moving out:

  • Document current apartment condition.

Day of the move:

  • Keep all important documents close.
  • Don’t micromanage the movers.

First day of moving in:

  • Ensure appliances and utilities work
  • Keep AC units running
  • Reclaim your moving deposit

First week of moving in:

  • Update your mailing address
  • Disinfect the apartment in stages

And after all this, now you go for that day at the spa!

Woman relaxing at spa after successfully completing checklist for moving into a new apartment

We wish you a smooth move!

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