How much is my rental unit worth?

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What is LemmyAdvisor?

LemmyAdvisor is Lemmy’s proprietary rental price estimator. It uses millions of data points to help you find out how much you can rent out your property for over 1000 high rise residences in Kuala Lumpur. Want to use LemmyAdvisor elsewhere? Don’t worry, we’re gonna paddle to more areas real soon.

What will you get with the LemmyAdvisor

LemmyAdvisor Estimates
When LemmyAdvisor gives you an estimate, it’s a prediction based on advanced algorithms of your property’s current rental value. Think of it as having an army of data-savvy beavers crunch data from thousands of other homes to give you a fast, spot-on estimate. It's not an official appraisal, but it's a good place to start.
LemmyAdvisor Ranges
Think of LemmyAdvisor's range as a price range for your home. The range can be different for each home. If the range is wider, it means the estimate isn't as sure. This gives you a heads-up about how confident you can be in your LemmyAdvisor estimates.
Average Asking Prices
Lemmy's average asking prices are like a collection of what others are charging for places like yours on property websites. It's an added point of reference to help give you an idea of what people are currently asking for similar units.